Welcome to JesusCompanion.com a free resource dedicated to making the powerful words of Jesus easily accessible to all. Here you will find over 1900 statements of Jesus organized into over 200 practical, one-click topics. Just click a topic to read everything that Jesus said about that topic. Topics are from the book “The Greatest Words Ever Spoken” by Steven K. Scott.

Why focus on the words of Jesus? Aren't all the words of the Bible inspired by God? Yes, they are. But the words of Jesus are special, most importantly because Jesus said they are (see the topic Jesus’ Words, Their Role and Power), but also because they reveal the heart and mind of God in human form. They show us who God is, what He wants from us, and how He can transform our lives. They also show us how to live in obedience to God's will and in harmony with His kingdom.

That's why we encourage you to read the words of Jesus within the context of the entire Bible. The Bible is a unified story of God's plan to redeem humanity from sin and death through His Son, Jesus Christ. The words of Jesus are not isolated sayings, but part of a larger narrative that culminates in His death and resurrection. By reading the whole Bible, you will gain a deeper understanding of the meaning and significance of the words of Jesus.

To help you with that, we have created a powerful AI chatbot appropriately named "Jesus Companion". This chatbot has been trained on the Bible and other books and texts such as “Mere Christianity” , “The Greatest Words Ever Spoken”, Bible commentaries and more. It has been instructed to be a joyful and loving follower of Jesus eager to share the good news of Jesus with everyone. You can ask it any question about the Bible, God, or Jesus, and it will give you an answer based on Scripture and sound reasoning. It’s excited to talk about Jesus any time of day or night. Just ask it!

Our website also has resources to help you grow in your faith and connect with other believers. One of them is Arise Church, a Mere Christianity church that offers online services. Arise Church is a church that believes in the core teachings of Christianity as explained by C.S. Lewis in his classic book “Mere Christianity”. Arise Church welcomes people from all backgrounds, believers and seekers alike, who want to do life together and learn more about King Jesus together.

We hope that you will find our website useful and inspiring. We invite you to bookmark it and visit it daily for truth and inspiration.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you always.